New Here?
First of all, WELCOME!
We know that you could be doing any number of things on a Sunday morning aside from coming to church. The fact that you have made the choice to attend worship means that faith means something to you, even if you aren’t sure what. Church of the Holy Spirit strives to be a community of hospitality and welcome grounded in the love of Jesus. Regardless of who you are, where you are from, or where you happen to be on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Attending a new church for the first time can be intimidating. Here are some thoughts that might put your mind at ease.
Question: What do I wear?
Great question! Our community is diverse. On any given Sunday we have older folks dressed in their “Sunday Best” or folks who have stopped in on the way to a sports game or an afternoon of running errands. We invite you to dress whichever you feel is comfortable and appropriate.
Question: Are children welcome?
Absolutely! At Church of the Holy Spirit we believe the worship of our community is strengthened when we all worship together – children included. We understand this makes some parents nervous, so we provide worship bags filled with all sorts of toys, games, books, and worship aides. Please know that we welcome the noises of children as a part of our community’s joyful noise!
Question: May I receive Holy Communion?
You need not be a baptized Episcopalian to receive communion at Church of the Holy Spirit. While baptism (in any Christian tradition – Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Baptist, etc.) before receiving communion is the rule, Church of the Holy Spirit takes a soft approach to its application. No one will ask you if you are baptized before you receive. If you are not yet baptized and want to consider deepening your relationship with God this way, you are invited to speak to the priest. We would love to formally welcome you into the Body of Christ.
Question: Do I have to put money in the offering plate?
Giving is always a voluntary act – always a response to God’s goodness towards us. As a visitor there is no expectation that you will put anything in the offering plate. You are welcome to let it pass you by. If you are a frequent visitor or member, we strongly encourage you to consider giving to support the mission and ministry of Church of the Holy Spirit as part of your spiritual practice of generosity.
Question: Where should I park?
There is ample street parking on Church Street. There also spaces beside and behind the Church. A handicap accessible entrance located through the parish garden.
Question: What is "Coffee Hour?"
Consider this your invitation to join us! Immediately after 9:00 am liturgy, please consider joining us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall. This is where we catch up with our friends, make new ones, find out what is happening at Church of the Holy Spirit and in our community, and find out how we can partner with God’s mission in our neighborhood. Church of the Holy Spirit loves to show hospitality, and we’d be honored if you’d join us.
Question: I like what I see. How can I connect more deeply?
We are always happy to have you visit with us, but if you want to take the next step to deepen your relationship with God, explore the depths of your own spirituality, and connect with Church of the Holy Spirit, we’d love to have you as a part of our parish family. Membership at Church of the Holy Spirit is more than just your name on the church attendance roll – it is a way of life. As a member, you are saying that there is something here that feeds you spiritually and encourages you to serve the world in Christ’s name. Our job as a church is to make sure you have everything you need to live your faith boldly and compassionately. If you like what you see, and you want to worship, grow, and serve here, you can contact the priest about membership.
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