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Church of the Holy Spirit
Episcopal Church

St. John’s By The Sea's History

Written by Mary Perrone

Updated for our 300th Anniversary in 2023

St. John's Bu the SeaSt. John’s By the Sea Church started as a Sunday School about 1921 or 1922 by Mrs. Bertha W. Brooke, a Hamden School Teacher.  She opened her heart and her home to the children of Prospect Beach because there was no church in the community.  With the help of Reverend Steele Kenyon of Christ Church, West Haven, Mrs. Brooke was able to obtain extra Sunday School material to get started.

In 1922, Mrs. Brooke moved from her home at 34 Crest Avenue to a more spacious home at 26 Crest Avenue.  The reason for the move was that the Sunday School was so popular it became overcrowded.  Another reason was the desire to hold regular Sunday Services in the evening for the adults.  Yale University Divinity students were invited to take charge of these Services.

Worship at St. John'sAs the Sunday School grew and the Services continued, the parishioners decided it was time to name their future church.  St. John was chosen because he was Mrs. Brooke’s favorite Saint.

“By The Sea” was added because of its close proximity to the water and to distinguish it from all other churches of St. John in the area. 

The Reverend Robert Johnson was appointed to take charge of this mission field. 

Easter at St. John'sAt this time, St John’s By The Sea became an Episcopal Church and a mission of Christ Church. Since it was affiliated with Christ Church, it was called The Western District Chapel.  It was after this time that the West Shore Fire House donated space for the Sunday School, Church Services and Benefit Programs.  A new firehouse was opened in 1936 and St. John’s was at this new location.

The former home of Clemency Schall at 546 Ocean Avenue was purchased and converted to serve as a church in 1943.  The first service was held on February 14, 1943.  On November 13, 1943, Janice Woodson and Oscar Ginnow were joined in Holy Matrimony, the first wedding in the church.

Interior ca 1950On May 4, 1949, property at 397 Ocean Avenue was purchased for use as a rectory.

At about this time there were 225 families in the congregation. It seemed imperative that a new larger church be constructed.  On Sunday, December 27, 1953, a groundbreaking ceremony took place at 3:00pm for the construction of the new church of St. John’s By The Sea.  With the laying of the corner stone at 4:30pm on July 18, 1954, the parishioners saw the fulfillment of their dreams and labors.  On November 14, 1954, the Right Reverend Walter H. Gray, Bishop of Connecticut, dedicated this new house of worship.

Interior of RectoryIn the summer of 1963, the property at 542 Ocean Avenue was purchased by the church from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Proud to be used as a rectory. The old rectory property at 397 Ocean Avenue was sold.

St. John’s by the Sea continued as a vibrant community with a vacation bible school.  This led many new families to the parish and the inaugural Christmas pageant and talent shows.

In 2005, Rev. Canon K. Dexter Cheney became the priest in charge for both St. John’s by the Sea and Christ Church.  Both parishes had determined that financial issues were undermining their stability and discussions regarding a merger began.  In 2008, the parishes merged to form Church of the Holy Spirit with the former wardens of each church serving as co-wardens in the new parish.  The buildings on Ocean Avenue were sold and are currently a mosque and school for our Muslim brethren.

Clergy of St John’s By the Sea

1943 – The Rev. Dr. Floyd S. Kenyon, The Rev. Robert H. Johnson (curate)

1944 – The Rev. Canon Harold Belshaw

1946 – The Rev. Richard B. Stott

1949 – The Rev. C. Lawson Willard, Jr.

1950 – The Rev. Earl Thomas Williams

1956 – The Rev. Arthur Bentham Robertshaw, III

1964 – The Rev. Frederick Harold Pratley, Jr.

1967 – The Rev. William Mulford Weber (resigned, 1974)

1975 – The Rev. Robert Williams Anthony (rector also at Christ Church from 1968)

1977 – The Rev. John C. Seville, The Rev. John-Michael VanDyck (curate)

1979 – The Rev. Wayne Douglas Pokorny

1989 – The Rev. Kenneth Hulme

1991 – The Rev. Patricia M. Portley (last year, 1998)

2001 – The Rev. Donna Dehetre

2004 – The Rev. Robert Friedrich

2005 – The Rev. Canon K. Dexter Cheney