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Church of the Holy Spirit
Episcopal Church


For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38–39

Paul’s words to the church in Rome are a source of profound comfort to Christians in times of loss, grief, and despair. Even though the fear of death may be very real, we hear in this holy text that nothing will be able to separate us from God’s love. The funeral service, or the Burial Office, is intended to be a reminder of this promise. The words, music, and actions of the liturgy reassure us that God’s love is stronger than death. Planning this service for yourself is a generous way to help your family honor your life.

The burial rites of the Church provide a means by which friends and family can acknowledge faith and hope in the midst of loss, and a means by which we can commend those we love to God's keeping. Most often the funeral service at Christ Church is a Requiem Eucharist celebrated with the body or ashes present. A memorial service is offered as an alternative and usually includes communion. At the end of the Mass, prayers are said over the body or ashes, and interment follows.

Our parish offers interment for ashes in its own Garden of Remembrance. It is possible, and encouraged, to make plans for one's own burial service. Our Vicar will be happy to discuss such plans.

Please call or email the church office if a family member or a loved one is dying so we may arrange for a priest to visit and offer ministration at the time of death.

Please contact our Parish Office as early in the funeral planning process as possible. This is helpful from a logistics standpoint as well as a pastoral one. Plots for internment of cremains are available in or Garden of Remembrence. Please contact the parish office for details.